PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 320 - Moot Point
April 14, 2021

While I was sick recently, a familiar feeling came "shining through". Nothing is really important except love and God. That is not a cliche. Or better, it is a true cliche.

Episode 319 - "My friend the..."
March 25, 2021

this podcast focuses on that extreme moment in life when you come to the end of your resources and finally have no choice but to reach out for succor. You don't first go for the prescription. You can'

Episode 218 - C'MON DAD
March 23, 2021

Rejection is decisive! Whether it comes in affairs of the heart, or at work, or in any relationship you want to name -- whether it comes in the form of cancer, self-sabotage, or an intrigue mounted a

Episode 317 - Odessey and Oracle
March 04, 2021

We are all on an odyssey of sorts, as Odysseus/Ulysses was in Homer. And we need -- I mean need urgently -- an oracle. Which is to say, we require a Word/words from outside ourselves to orient us and

Episode 311 - Crescendo
November 19, 2020

This cast looks at the current drama/s unfolding in the aftermath of November 3rd in unseen rather than in seen terms. Not that I know personally what is happening -- but rather, what one sees is seldom what one gets.

Episode 310 - New Prince, New Pomp (c. 1605)
October 28, 2020

I'm trying to understand, in Romans 7 and Mockingbird terms, a phenomenon I currently observe -- and feel -- all around me. It is as if the more control, medically and in terms of hospitalizations, that we are getting over COVID19, the more insistent and

Episode 309 - Little Bit O'Soul
October 22, 2020

When you reach a certain age, say from 55 or so on, if you don't move forward, you move backward.

Episode 308 - Phosphorus
September 05, 2020

If you want to find out the truth about yourself, follow the phosphorus!

Episode 307 - Sacred Space
September 04, 2020

My and your emotional, heart experiences are connected not just to a person, but to a place where we were with that person.

Episode 306 - For Our Dear Margary
August 27, 2020

This cast concerns Margery Lawrence (1889-1969), an English writer of supernatural short stories, as well as popular novels. She was also a committed spiritualist, who wrote within an explicitly Christian (tho' anti-clerical) world-view.
