PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Episode 303 - Jimmy Loves Mary Anne

July 01, 2020

This is a further thought on "narratives", tho' with a Biblical example (from Jeremiah) and a recent public incident that has me both "stunned and amazed" (Pretenders, 'My City Was Gone', 1984).

The President of Harvard has issued a letter announcing the end of the University's sanctions against the undergraduate Final Clubs and all "single gender" organizations on or off campus. These sanctions, which brought with them a sort of "Stasi"-like network of anonymous informants and secret tip-offs connected to the Dean's Office, were put into place in 2017. This week, however, due to a Federal Court ruling in Massachusetts, buttressed by a recent Supreme Court decision, Harvard admitted officially that its policy could not stand up in court, and it was therefore withdrawing the policy.

Whether you care or don't care about Ivy League colleges and their current policies and dicta, what stunned and amazed PZ was the fact that the organizations' deliverance came from "out of the blue" and from a quarter we didn't expect. That's the point: from a quarter and connected to a logic we didn't expect.

I find this enormously strengthening, if also convicting. God can solve one's problem. But He's going to do it in His way and not mine or yours. Thus Jeremiah 27, a passage with which Mary and I have been wrestling of late, came abruptly to new life! My ideas concerning how my beloved undergraduate organization from decades past might survive the tyranny of Pharaoh -- my narrative of (despaired for) deliverance -- proved false. But deliverance came anyway! ("What a fool I was, what a dominated fool" -- My Fair Lady)

Hope you like the cast. Hope it gives you new hope. And... hope it helps you appreciate Looking Glass.

This cast is dedicated to Elder Harold Fuller of City of Destiny Church, Apopka, FL.
