Superheroes of Science

Superheroes of Science

Latest Episodes

Harnessing the Power of Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Stormwater Management
November 28, 2023

Nicole Chavas (President + Chief Operating Officer) and Lucy Kopchak (Associate Engineer) join us to discuss green infrastructure and sustainable engineering. Due to climate change, cities are seeing

How do architects design science laboratories?
November 14, 2023

Specializing in designing science laboratories, Marilee is a registered architect and Senior Laboratory Planner at , one of the oldest and largest architecture and engineering firms in the country.

What is Data Science and How is it Used?
October 30, 2023

Ever wonder where some A.I. programs their data? Farhan Shaikh (VP of Data and Digital Solutions at Jacobs) discusses Data Science. Jacobs is an international company working to make the world smarter

Conservation of Valuable Land Through a Land Trust
October 03, 2023

Ben Taylor is a Project Manager at ACRES Land Trust in Northern Indiana. He joins us today to discuss the details of what a Land Trust is and his role in conservation and saving valuable lands for the

The Quest to Discover Dark Matter
September 22, 2023

Dr. Rafael Lang from Purdue University Physics and Astronomy is an eternal optimist. As iny scienteest has to be. He is on a quest to discover Dark Matter. Dark matter is a mysterious and invisible su

Exploring Ancient Volcanoes: Unveiling Insights from the Past
August 21, 2023

Disha Okhai researches ancient volcanoes to learn about the patterns and processes that provide valuable information about how magma accumulates, moves, and triggers volcanic eruptions. This historica

Demystifying Severe Storms and Tornadoes: Separating Fact from Fiction
August 09, 2023

This exciting crash course on tornado formation is led by Professor Dan Dawson, aka Tornado Dan, renowned research scientist from Purdue University Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sci

Frozen Quest: A Geochemist's Antarctic Expedition Searching for Knowledge
July 24, 2023

Geochemist Marissa Tremblay recently returned from a field research excursion in Antarctica. She describes the extreme cold environment as well as the science that is looking to reveal the secrets of

Understanding Drug Discovery: Finding the Cure for the Flu
July 11, 2023

Drug Discovery is a very interdisciplinary field of research. Imrul Shahriar, Ph.D. Candidate with the Low Research Laboratory at Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery, walks us through the process of d
