Psychic Matters!

Psychic Matters!

Latest Episodes

PM 065: Adventures Of A Spiritual Journeyman Explored with Richard Newall
June 02, 2022

#065 My guest, Richard Newall, is an extraordinarily talented music creator. He has worked with some of the top global mediums and tutors working today, helping them create music to accompany the work they're doing with meditations and audio tracks o

PM 064: 8 Secrets To Powerful Manifesting with Mandy Morris
May 19, 2022

#064 Manifestation expert, Mandy Morris, explains how manifestation can be fast!   Yet it does require us staying in alignment with our best intentions and highest good and managing our defeating thoughts, feelings and actions.  Mandy generously shares so

PM 063: A Life Far From Ordinary with Chris Jacobs
May 05, 2022

#063 Clairvoyant Medium and Tutor, Chris Jacobs, has led a life that is far from ordinary.  In this episode, Chris speaks openly about the challenges of his difficult & traumatic childhood, which lead him away from his home as a young teenager, and in

PM 062: Psychic Generations with Sandie Byrne
April 21, 2022

#062 My guest this week, is Psychic Medium Sandie Byrne.  Sandy comes from generation upon generation upon generation of readers.  Her family, her grandmother, her great grandmother, all of them were readers before her and she grew up with this natural ab

PM 061: Pet Psychic with Beth Lee Crowther
April 07, 2022

#061 This episode on animal communication will transform your relationships with your animal companions!  My amazing guest is Beth Lee-Crowther, professional Animal Communicator, Psychic Medium and Reiki Master, who will teach you effective telepathic com

PM 060: A Human Love Story with Matt Hopwood
March 24, 2022

#060 – This episode is everything you need to know about love.  Matt Hopwood, of discusses how he experiences meeting people exactly where they are in life, how he helps people to understand that they are loved and how important it

PM 059: Ireland's Thin Places: Between Two Worlds with Karen Frances McCarthy
March 17, 2022

#059 – The fairy forts & underground caves dotted across Ireland are known as Thin Places – the places where two worlds meet, where spirits can walk freely among the living and the living can enter the spirit world.  Spiritual Medium, best-selling aut

PM 058: The Role Of The Soul with Darren Brittain
March 10, 2022

#058 - A soul appraisal is a type of 1:1 reading, especially suited to anyone committed to understanding themselves more fully.  I’m joined this week by, Darren Brittain, one of the most sought-after Evidential Mediums and Teachers working today, and he d

PM 057: I Am A Spiritualist with Jacqui McGleish
February 24, 2022

In this podcast episode, I am joined by accredited Spiritualist Medium, Jacqui McGleish, OSNU, who talks openly about her early life and the unique circumstances that lead to her becoming, not only a Spiritualist, but an Officiant of the Spiritualists’ Na

PM 056: Psychical Research & Me with Trisha Robertson
February 10, 2022

In this podcast episode, Psychical Researcher Tricia Robertson, shares some fascinating stories from her paranormal investigations over the past 36 years, examining paranormal phenomena in as scientific a manner as possible, and discusses the conclusions
