Tuning In With Betsy Balega

Tuning In With Betsy Balega

Tuning in with Betsy

October 01, 2014

Wednesday, Oct. 1 on Tuning in with Betsy, hear the interview with Master Lynne Nusyna of Toronto.  Learn about Soul Healing, Soul Songs and Chants.

Whether you have a physical, mental, emotional situation that is challenging you and holding you back from living your dream life this show is sure to be a life changer for you.

Master Lynne Nusyna holds a Masters Degree, M.Ed, in Adult Education and Counseling from O.I.S.E. University of Toronto.  She represents the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment as a senior teacher, disciple, and leader personally trained by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. He is a Grandmaster of Soul Mind Body Medicine, Doctor of Western Medicine (MD), Traditional Chinese Medicine and founder of the Institute.
Lynne had a successful practice as a psychotherapist and coach with clients that included business leaders, police officers, and many others.  She also worked in the corporate and government sector as a Senior Manager of Training, and a Management and Organizational Development Consultant.
Given the title Master Lynne by her teacher, she is a powerful soul healer, dynamic speaker and teacher herself.  Her soul communication abilities are just one of many gifts that provide extraordinary insight into the personal journeys of all that come to her workshops and for individual consultation
Master Lynne received teachings for her book, Bringing Spiritual Wisdom to Your Daily Work. It is the first of many books.
