Tuning In With Betsy Balega

Tuning In With Betsy Balega

Tuning in with Betsy

September 18, 2014

Join Toronto Psychic Betsy Balega on Tuning in with Betsy, hear the latest in  Metahysical, Paranormal, Spiritual, Healing, Angels, Holistic Healing, Energy Healing, Premonitions, Precognition, Signs, UFO's, Crop Circles and more.

What did JFK's astrologer tell him about WWIII?

Happy Birthday Virgo.

Why didn't the CIA assassinate Nixon?

Tuning in with Besy is th longest running Paranormal show, airing on Blog Talk Radio, since November 2006.

Send Betsy an e-mail at her show page, and let her know what you want to learn. 


All welcome.

