Project Keto Podcast

Project Keto Podcast

Season 6, Episode 10- The Best Way to Find Out Your Food Sensitivities

December 06, 2021

Learn how to use an elimination diet to discover your food sensitivities. 

In this episode you’ll understand why a blood test isn’t the best way to find which foods do or don’t work for you. 

You’ll also get tips for what to do if the elimination diet is too overwhelming.

Once you know which foods you are sensitive to, you can start working deeper on gut healing and get closer to being able to reintroduce many foods again!

Find the Elimination Diet instructions in the show notes here.

Links from the show…

Madeline’s Gingerbread Cookie Recipe

Crave Curb supplement from NutriDyn

Follow me on Instagram for carnivore and keto inspiration, tours of the grocery store, and recipe ideas!
