Project Redline

Project Redline

Latest Episodes

Understanding the business legal system. How to pick the right business structure for your business in 2019 PR011
March 20, 2019

With the rise of young entrepreneurship, everyone is jumping into being their own boss and reaping all the benefits. But what most young entrepreneurs don’t know is once you have this business started and running how to make sure you are legally covered a

How working with this Credit Master got me from a 620 to an 800 credit score. How to beat the Credit System.PR010
March 17, 2019

Have you ever wondered how someones credit score can jump so fast? Did you know there are specific groups of people who specialize in credit repair and credit growth? Well, look no further because we are bringing you the most educational podcast on the in

How to dominate your business with Brad Lea. The 4 steps you need to succeed in your business in 2019. PR009
March 13, 2019

You have heard of the man behind the curtain who is disrupting the online course industry but have you heard the 4 step process on how to absolutely dominate the online course and marketing world? We are bringing you the exclusive content on how Brad Lea

The King of covers shares his secrets to dominating the magazine cover industry!- How to get on your first Magazine cover featuring Jason Ellis! PR008
March 10, 2019

Have you ever wondered who is the mastermind behind the camera that is responsible for the most fitness magazine covers in history? We are so excited to bring you a one of a kind episode of Project Redline where we get the exclusive on how Jason Ellis and

One of the most important marketing tools you aren’t using - How to use Email Marketing and thrive with it. PR007
March 06, 2019

When was the last time you had access to one of the of the top email marketers? Where you got to have a one-on-one and learn the tips and tricks that the top companies use?On Project Redline, that’s where! How to properly use email marketing is one of the

How to dominate Facebook ads in 2019- Learn from a Facebook expert. PR006
March 03, 2019

Who is ready to use Facebook ads and how to dominate them!Have you ever wondered how to use Facebook ads and how to use them to maximize the highest ROI possible? In this episode of Project Redline I am sitting down with one of the top facebook ad strateg

What is Red Ocean Blue Ocean strategy?- How to dominate your niche. PR005
February 28, 2019

If you are an entrepreneur I bet you have asked yourself this question at least once.“What niche should I get into?”In this episode of Project Redline I dive into the strategy that catapulted my first business into a major success by understanding what ni

4 Crucial steps to starting your own Business- How to be your own boss in 2019. PR004
February 24, 2019

In 2019 everyone wants to be their own boss, they want to start the next game-changing company but what does It actually take to start a company? From the outside it all looks so easy, the steps are minimal. However, that could not be further from the tru

From Military to Self made viral sensation - How to dominate the internet with Graham Allen. PR003
February 20, 2019

Today we welcome our First guest to Project Redline Graham Allen! Have you ever wondered what it takes to go viral on the internet? How to create not just one but every video you make go viral? We deep dive into how Graham has scaled his empire, managed h

PUBLIC RELATIONS: You control your destiny - Direct approach what you want. PR002
February 17, 2019

In life you are going to have to make tough decisions, are you going to sit around and wait for things to be handed to you or are you going to go out there and take it? I have had so many personal experiences in my life where I was the underdog and no one
