Pretty Funny Girl Podcast

Pretty Funny Girl Podcast

Hollywood Medium w/ Tyler Henry: Real or a Fake?

December 03, 2016

Months ago I stumbled upon a show called Hollywood Medium w/ Tyler Henry. Tyler is a 20 year old Macaulay Culkin look alike who has become THE go to psychic/medium for celebrities. I’m equal parts obsessed and skeptical. 
So you can imagine my excitement when I found out my friend, actress/producer Lindsay Hicks, was going to be featured on the show with her then boyfriend, Moby. I begged Lindsay to do an interview about the experience and confirm once and for all – Is Tyler Henry real or a fake? Let’s just say, she bares all.
Moby’s Reading with Tyler
Here’s the episode featuring Moby’s reading. Don’t worry I skipped to the good part. Lindsay is the gorgeous blonde gasping and taking notes. My interview with her goes into detail about Mo’s reading, including the parts that didn’t make it on the air. We also talk about his newest album, These Systems Are Failing.

This interview isn’t just about Tyler and Moby. Lindsay has her own thing going, which includes a new web series called  The List. The show follows Chloe, a woman with a list of celebrities her boyfriend would give her a pass to sleep with. Everything’s going well until she starts meeting the celebrities on the list. Here’s the trailer.
You can check also out Lindsay’s other web series Better Half, now available on Vimeo on Demand.
I hope you enjoy the interview and get excited about Hollywood Medium’s return next season!

