Preservation State

Preservation State

Latest Episodes

021 - Clubbing Seals
February 22, 2014

021 In this episode Christopher uncorks and all things are destroyed. How to feel Productive while riding a merry go round. Total Party Kill & Other AD&D Fun With Dungeons DIET Coda 1.5 from Panic - local file storage and editing! Hypercard! Some F

020 the TUMULTuous Jonathan Deutsch
February 11, 2014

the TUMULTuous Johnny German Jonathan Deutsch Jonathan previously was an engineering manager at Apple responsible for teams working on, Mac OS X updates and automation tools. He’s a multi-talented Objective-C hacker, web developer and d

019 - Down on the Upside
February 04, 2014

What to talk about? From Brett the Jet… Daddy wants: Powermate Bluetooth Also from Brett: Zapier - Automate the web That one oughta make you a little stiffy…If you're into automation that is. Louis CK releases a movie: Nine

018 - A Brett Terpstra Nuke
January 21, 2014

In which Philip, Christopher and Brett discuss valuing your work & creativity, the pros & cons of software bundles, attending Harvard and the temperature in Minnesota. "I attended Harvard" -Moze Harvard CS 50... Half way to 100... complete with a sense

017 - Infant with a Side of Sea Salt
January 08, 2014

101 Volume 2wo Apologies in troll form Art Break Intermission The MVP apps of 2013 Rules must be used at least once a week. Moze Mailbox Pocket Casts LightPaper Quip Editorial Marvel : war of heroes MultiMarkdown Composer Marked2 Drafts cr

016 - Them Crooked Vultures
December 23, 2013

016 - Them Crooked Vultures Disgust with vultures My reaction to Glamour Ponies and sideline quarterbacks. Following up with something Brett said when I was unsystematic Mac Pro will be available from Thursday December 19th Via Tim Cook New

015 - A Bag of Hurt Filled with @Siracusa
December 12, 2013

FU Siracusa How John boy made me neurotic. I called this. The Lytro’s so incredible that before he died Steve Jobs reportedly wanted to put its light field technology into the iPhone. Today, Apple has patented a method of doing just that. Read more at

014 - We do the Kessler Run in 14 Parsecs
November 24, 2013

Ben Kessler Senior Account Manager at Industry Weapon. 4 BAs: Marketing, American Studies, Philosophy, and Education = smart guy... ...with professional experience in: Politics/Government, Advertising, Education, and Marketing. On the side of nerding ou

013 - Productivity Balls
November 14, 2013

FU Episode Ringtone of the WEEK Goodbye EverPix So much for the issues my Hueless/Huemore users were having with Everpix sync.(Curious Satillite shuts down everpix) ATP covered extensively Uncle Jim Too Are we ready for disaster? http://www.businessin

012 - Terpstra Marked Deux
November 05, 2013

Hermitology in a World Without Pants. Google asked for his resume...will Brett disappear into the front end of net? Marked 2 Buy it now because you need it - right now Marked as a Reader in the long form. Marked 2 & Markdown related things we menti
