Preservation State

Preservation State

40 | You Can Be the Line Leader

November 11, 2014

– We dove deeply into the iCloud Drive confusion and still had more questions than answers as we went hands on.

– Epiphany with interpersonal job stuff: Just who is the middle man? The justification of positions

– Ending my term of line leader for the month

iCloud Drive has made Byword unhappy… and thus my unhappiness.

  • Drafts 4 syncing issues

    > Made a support request with agile tortoise

    There is a serious iCloud bug in iOS 8.1. I’ve written up some notes on the bug (link below), but long story short I’ve worked around it as best I can to prevent Drafts from hanging, but the system will sometimes fail to report the availability of iCloud and in those cases the app will temporarily disable sync and try again later. No data will be lost, but no sync will occur until the system recovers.

When this occurs, going to Settings > iCloud will report iCloud unavailable in Drafts, when you appear to be signed in at the iOS System level.

Often a reboot of your device is a temporary fix. You will probably also see some hangs in other apps using iCloud if your device is exhibiting this issue.

The Details

I’m continuing to work on avoiding the issue as best as I can, but fully fixing it will require and update from Apple. I am testing on the 8.1.1 beta and it seems to resolve the issue, but I do not know when it will be released publicly.

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