Preservation State

Preservation State

023 - Who Listens to the Nielsen Ratings? Part 1

March 26, 2014

This was a great 2 part episode that didn’t disappoint. Ryan offered up fantastic candor on so many topics we had to go for 4 hours.

Uncensored with Ryan Nielsen

Ryan was a senior member of the Mac OS X Project Management team at Apple. As a part of that team, he guided the development of five major Mac OS X releases, shaping everything from the schedule down to the design and implementation of individual features. Ryan graduated with a BS in Computer Science and a Minor in Applied Mathematics from the University of Colorado in 2004.





a loud, confused noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people.

“a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out”

Post Apple coitis

Life in high security fruit basket.

Hype by Tumult
Affinity for kernels

Like Orville

Ps3 and Xbox

The power of socially video gaming

Loves wearable tech (not really)

We pester Ryan to give up all secrets on what he knows.

What is it like to climb mountains?

Google and its binding forces

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