Prepper Podcast Radio Network

Prepper Podcast Radio Network

The UK Prepper 29 March 2015

March 29, 2015

This week I begin with the THE TWELTH WILDERNESS GATHERING 2015 then the Blizzard Survival 20% Discount Offer, Basic Prep List For One Month/One Adult, No HGV Drivers No Food,The U.K mock SHTF scenario DX w/e (part 3), the Ribzwear 30% Discount Offer, Bugging Out, What is a BOV, and Do I Need One?, the Wilderness121 10% Discount Offer, Choosing a BOL Location, Prepper Training, the Midimax 10% Discount Offer, The Humble Dandelion, Fish Farming as a Source of Protein, the Field-Leisure 10% Discount Offer, My Mum, Dirty Bomb Attack, the Hunters-Knives 10% Discount Offer, The Bug out Week 2015 is Coming, the Buggrub 10% Discount Offer, Bugout Coffee Review, The Meats Snack Review
