Prepper Podcast Radio Network

Prepper Podcast Radio Network

The UK Prepper 1 March 2015

March 01, 2015

I start this week’s show with Where to Find Fuel post SHTF, then The Bug out Week 2015 is coming, Blizzard survival 20% Discount Offer, What do They Know That we don’t? The Ribzwear 30% Discount Offer, EBOLA yes, but what about the FLU, Having Problems Prepping? The U.K mock SHTF scenario DX w/e (part 3), The Wilderness121 10% Discount Offer, Just Some Ideas on Survival, Super Snacks: An Essential Boost for Wilderness Survival, The Midimax 10% Discount Offer, What Happens IF? How to Help Your Rescuers, The Field Leisure 10% Discount Offer, Survival Food-What to Buy, The Buggrub 10% Discount Offer, The GHB, The Hunters-Knives 10% Discount Offer, Home Made Emergency Survival Bars, Plan to Prepare, THE TWELTH WILDERNESS GATHERING 2014 13th to 16th August.
