Pulse – Powhatan School

Pulse – Powhatan School

Latest Episodes

First Grade Assemblage Sculptures
November 18, 2016

Take a minute to watch the video below as Mrs. Garrity, the Lower School art teacher, talks about the assemblage sculpture project, as well as a new exciting project on the horizon:

Square Meter: Native & Invasive Plants
November 16, 2016

Fourth graders recently worked with Mr. Clay Morris, a biologist, to explore the plant life on the Crocker Conservancy through plot sampling. Students identified the types of plants that were growing in a square meter plot of the native wildflower meadow

Shakespeare As Project-Based Learning
November 11, 2016

“Shakespeare is the original Project-Based Learning (PBL) activity,” says Ms. Lane, the School Library Media Specialist who is also the newest director of the annual Shakespeare play. Ms. Lane took the helm, with co-director Mrs. Naghib, after Mr. Bel

It’s Shakespeare Week: Practice Those Lines!
November 07, 2016

It’s “Shakespeare Week’ at Powhatan! Please be sure to join us as the eighth grade presents Midsummer Night’s Dream on Friday. Traditions and rituals help cement a school’s identity while signaling what a school values. This tr

November Letter: The courts and playing fields are their classrooms
November 01, 2016

Our coaches, who interact each day with the students, have an enthusiasm for learning which is contagious. The positive way they encourage each student brings out their personal best and resilience...

Vocabulary Word Dress-Up Day
October 31, 2016

Today is Vocabulary Word Dress-Up Day at Powhatan! Students in grades 1-8 dress up as their favorite vocabulary word, while kindergarten and Pre-K students dress up along the lines of recent units of study (nursery rhymes and community). Check out the...

Spooky Math
October 31, 2016

Third graders have been exploring measurement in math. This week, the team took it one step further by creating a fun activity that really brings a new meaning to the words ‘hands on learning.” Students were given a set of... Continue Reading →

Fourth Grade Conservation Day 2016
October 28, 2016

The Piedmont Environmental Council and Powhatan School teamed up to host the annual Conservation Day for all fourth graders in Clarke County on Thursday, October 27. Roughly 170 fourth graders from D.G. Cooley, Boyce Elementary, and Powhatan School attend

It’s not until you are immersed in Bay life that you make a personal connection to what you are learning.
October 27, 2016

At the conclusion of their study of watersheds every fall, eighth graders go on a three day overnight trip to the Chesapeake Bay. “We believe field trips provide incredible experiential learning opportunities that cannot be duplicated in the classro

Running a Marathon: Which food provides more energy?
October 26, 2016

Third graders have been studying nutrition in science. Yesterday they headed over to the new Lower School Science Lab to solve an interesting question. These students explored the idea of running a marathon and two questions that followed. Would it... Con
