Powering America with Chris Faulkner

Powering America with Chris Faulkner

Powering America with Chris Faulkner - Nov 29, 2014

December 02, 2014

Join Chris Faulkner, President and CEO of Breitling Energy and Parker Hallam, President of Crude Energy along with radio host Thomas Miller as they discuss news and current issues facing the U.S. Energy Industry.

On this episode of Powering America, Chris Faulkner and Thomas Miller light it up on KRLD in Dallas and KEIB and KCAA in Los Angeles, talking about the impact of the OPEC meeting on Thanksgiving Day. America is now the swing producer on the world’s energy stage, and Saudi Arabia looked to the United States and said, “YOU cut”.Dr. Alan Saxe, political science professor at the University of Texas Arlington joins us to talk about the geo political aspects leading up to the decision, including an analysis of how President Obama has offended most of the Middle East. Click below to hear more.

Powering America Radio is heard daily on the Wall Street Business Network at 4:00 Eastern and is co-sponsored by Crude Energy, LLC.

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