Power of Health

Power of Health

Research Your Way to Better Health

August 01, 2016

Research the best food plan for optimum health the same way you would research buying a new device.You can’t just listen to a 30-second sound byte as your informational source on how your body works. You need to put in the same research you would when buying a new gadget. Most of today’s health problems result from inflammation. Many of them can be helped with beneficial bacteria. Microbiota is the composition of all microbes, viruses, parasites and yeasts that can be found in the gut. About 100 trillion of theses things can be found in the body. There are more genes here than in the human genome. This affects the majority of our genetic expression. Daily stimuli, emotional reaction and childhood traumas are stamped into your cellular structure. Microbiota interact with these things and affect how you function on a daily basis. Dieting fads won’t help really improve your health. Sugar assists the growth of harmful bacteria. Do your research to find the right diet for your body. Listen in as probiotics expert Natasha Trenev advocates taking your health into your own hands by becoming an educated consumer.
