Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Latest Episodes

19: Showcasing Global Artisans with Sarah Barnett (International Blessings)
February 24, 2016

Have you ever had the itch to travel? Well today’s guest takes that itch to new extremes! Having traveled to 24 countries, saying that Sarah Barnett likes to travel is an understatement. All this travel creates incredible,

18.5 Stories from the Field: Peg & AJ Hass (Peaceful Fruits)
February 19, 2016

When I interview Evan Delahanty from Peaceful Fruits, it is obvious that he is incredibly passionate about his socially conscious company. There is a lot to be excited about. It’s a new all-fruit snack that harnesses the power of naturally grown acai.

18: The Amazon, Acai & Preserving Culture with Evan Delahanty (Peaceful Fruits)
February 17, 2016

Evan describes his former corporate life as almost a literal cog in a wheel. The analogy is alarmingly spot on as his corporate job facilitates the efficient moving of screws and cogs around a warehouse. That is,

17.5 Stories from the Field: Putting Ideas in Motion with Randi Gloss (GLOSSRAGS)
February 12, 2016

}"If you have an idea that moves, then go for it!" That is the message that Randi Gloss hears when she connects with Millennial Train Project (MTP).  It's not just an enticing idea. MTP actually helps aspiring leaders move their ideas forward both fig...

17: Putting Ideas in Motion with Patrick Dowd (Millennial Train Project)
February 10, 2016

Can you imagine being transported to a 1950’s rail car to travel across the country, discounting from the pull of modern day demands? One pioneering nonprofit founder is recreating that exact experience to incubate young innovators as they push the b...

16.5 Super Bowl Edition: Philadelphia Eagles Transforms Nonprofits with Darcy Walker Krause
February 05, 2016

Have you ever been apart of a company that gives back to different community nonprofits? Think back to that experience or any partnership with a nonprofit. How would the organization describe that experience?

16: Super Bowl Edition: Philadelphia Eagles Care with Julie Hirshey
February 03, 2016

While I thoroughly enjoy watching football, I never in my wildest dreams anticipated the Positive Impact Podcast crossing paths with the NFL. Believe me when I say I've dreamed big too. Still, a NFL feature never crossed my mind.

15.5 Stories from the Field: Breaking the Engineer Mold with Kelsey Riedesel
January 29, 2016

We’ve talked a fair amount about how to help women break into different industries. From tech to business to STEM and more, there are so many social entrepreneurs creating incredible incentives supporting women in these measures.

15: Bringing Geeky Back with Leslie Fishlock (Geek Girls)
January 27, 2016

Did you know that there were more women in tech fields in the 1970’s and 1980’s than today? If your eyebrows just crinkled into a weird position you’re skeptically reading this, then I’m with you. - But it’s true.

14.5 Stories from the Field: Meaning of Sustainable Coffee with Dr. Jordan Buzzell
January 22, 2016

What defines sustainable efforts? The more and more I dig into the social space, the more I ask myself this question. Let’s be honest, sustainability is a sexy term. Some people like to put it on a label to increase sales. But what does it all mean?
