Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

9.5 Stories from the Field – Sustainability in the Classroom with Monica Rosquillas (1 to 1 Movement)

December 11, 2015

What would you do if you had to carry your trash around with you for one whole week? What types of things would be in there? Any things that you might not be too proud of at the weekâs end?


That is exactly one of the projects that Monica oversees for 1 to 1 Movement in schools across San Diego County.


Itâs called the Away Program. This interactive approach to teaching students about sustainability is one of the hands on programs that 1 to 1 Movement works with students on. They are all about bringing the idea of sustainability and conservation close to home.


I can only imagine how carrying around my trash for a week would bring this issue very close to home.



Away Program
The Away Program on Instagram
1 to 1 Movement


Patrick Henry High #students talking #trash! #refuse #reduce #reuse #recycle
A photo posted by The AWAY Project (@awayproject) on Jan 10, 2014 at 3:58pm PST

