Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

8: Business Boutique with Christy Wright (Dave Ramsey Personality)

December 02, 2015

You canât help but be fired up by Christy Wrightâs passionate take on women in business. From outlining the five biggest challenges women face starting a business to sharing her own humble (and creative) beginnings in business, Christy knocks this one out of the park.




Powerful Quotes

Sheryl Sandburg, âThe greatest career advancements are not positions that are posted, but itâs simply when you solve a problem.â
Jon Acuff, âDonât compare your beginning to someone elseâs middle.â


Tweetable Moments with Christy

âWhat do you have around you right now, from skills to abilities or actual items to start a business?â
âCreativity is an endless wellâ The more creativity you use, the more you have. Itâs like a muscle.
âBe true to yourselfâ


Learn How to Build A Brand That Matters & Draws Customers

Christyâs blog post, â4 Friends You Need for Your Businessâ
Business Boutique Quick Start Guide
Positive Impact Podcast Episode 2 with Stephanie Burns from Chic CEO
EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
Business Boutique Event
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Tribes by Seth Godin
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
Story Time Conference by Donald Miller

To see Christy "Shake it Off" check out this tweet from OhSheetLife:


Girl, this may break girl code, but these #BusinessBoutique moves are too good NOT to share. @ChristyBWright pic.twitter.com/rYxUzS7oFr
â Oh Sheet Life (@OhSheetLife) November 7, 2015


Here is Christy shark diving (such a crazy experience!)

Here is Christy's beloved Bernese Mountain dog (isn't he cute!):

