Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

7: Compassion is the Key to Solving the World’s Problems with Sara Schairer (Compassion It)

November 25, 2015

Can you imagine a world where everyone took a moment to put themselves in another person's shoes? What would that do to impact our daily interactions with everyone we met?


It would change the world.


Thatâs the vision of Sara Schairer. She realizes the key to this is compassion. If we could install that single act into our daily lives, the world would be a better place. Which is why she started the movement to turn compassion into a verb.


Enter: Compassion It





Compassion It is focused around equipping individuals with a reversible bracelet, similar to the Livestrong bracelet. You start the day on one side. Then when you complete an act of compassion, you flip it to the reverse.


This movement is gaining momentum.


To date Compassion It has sold over 70,000 bracelets covering 6 continents, 49 counties and in all 50 states. Sara has expanded to include comprehensive curriculum, lesson plans, Self Compassion bracelets and more.


Quote that Inspired it All

âCompassion is the most important lesson to teach our children. If we could teach our kids to put themselves in other shoes and help them, we would solve every social issue on the planet. No more hunger. No more poverty. No more war, all because of compassion. â

- Wayne Dryer

âWhile some sees them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.â

- Steve Jobs, Apple

Resources Mentioned

2008 Ellen Show episode with Wayne Dryer
Stanford Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT)
The Lean Start Up
The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life by Geshe Michael Roach


Influencers Mentioned

Kristin Neff from Self Compassion
Christopher Germer, PhD from Mindful Self- Compassion
Michelle Becker from Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
Dalai Lama
San Diego State University



The Charter for Compassion
Botho Movement
Girls Think Tank
One Love Movement
1 to 1 Movement


Hopefully one day Sara realizes her goal of partnering with the NCAA Football, Nike, Adidas, the Padres or even the NFL.

Connecting with Compassion It


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