Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

5.5 Stories from the Field: Put Your Money Where You Mouth Is with Angel Investor Nicole Chavas

November 13, 2015

You say you want to champion change. You make donations to different philanthropies. But you are currently leaving one major blind spot unattended in finances.


Your investments.


There is currently $60 trillion in assets under management. Imagine if those funds are actually causing the problems you are trying to solve with your donations?

If youâre starting to get a little squeamish thinking about what your investments might actually be working towards, youâre not alone. Nicole is going to dive into what the landscape of foundations looked like, particularly in terms of how they invested their capital.
In the world of impact investing, Nicole is a trifecta.

She worked with foundations on rechanneling their large scale investments;
She has made 3 angel investments into social enterprises;
As a social entrepreneur, she is raising angel investments for her new startup.


Her unique perspective gives us comprehensive view of all the different facets of impact and angel investing for social good. This multifaceted view must have been her competitive edge when turning eyesores into opportunities through her social enterprise Fresh Coast Capital.






Companies Mentioned




Crowd Investing MI
Impact Investing - Global Impact Investing 
Impact Engine


To Connect with Nicole

