Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

4.5 Stories From The Field: Showcasing One Construction Company Creating Social Change with Alison Freed (Dream Builders Project)

November 06, 2015

Alison Freed works for perhaps the most unusual nonprofit Iâve come across lately.


Having spent several years in the nonprofit space, you typically find organizations that are continually scrapped for cash with a large percentage of time being spent trying to leverage funds.


Dream Builders Project differs from that description in almost every way.


In today's episode we get a glimpse into the impact of a different type of organization - a "charity for charity." Without the constrains of specific causes and funding taken care of, the Dream Builders Project (DBPLA) charts a new path of empowerment and change.


Today's episode is a follow up from Episode 4 with Mayer Dahan of Prime Five Homes. This construction company is not only building leading sustainable homes, but they are also the reason that DBPLA can focus on their mission and not on funding.





Sponsors include:

Hello Fresh


To connect with Alison and Dream Builders Project Project:

Dream Builders Project
