Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

4.0 Luxury Homes Championing Environmental Efforts And Driving Social Change with Mayer Dahan (Prime Five Homes)

November 04, 2015

Mayer Dahan is creating something you donât often see in the construction world, particularly the luxury home industry. He is leveraging modern upscale homes to champion both environmental issues and chart a path toward meaningful social change.


As the CEO and Co-founder of Prime Five Homes, Mayer works to create modern upscale homes that far surpass the traditional view of environmental standards.


Here are some of the components Prime Five Homes equips these homes with:

Solar power;
Water capture systems for irrigation;
Smart homes;
LED lighting;
Recycled materials;
Reclaimed wood.


Thatâs incredible. And Mayer will dig into some cool details.


But thatâs not the most exciting thing.


The real exciting part of Mayerâs efforts comes from the Dream Builderâs Project. This nonprofit is created and funded directly through the success of Prime Five Homes. His construction company is driving social change in the LA area.


Sex trafficking. Homelessness. Orphanages.


Those are only some of the issues this innovative and unparalleled organization tackles every day. Mayerâs going to describe the power of this organization, as well as the incredible sustainable measures Prime Five Homes implements.


Here are the environmentally friendly home that Prime Five Homes builds:




Resources & sites mentioned:

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition
Dream Builder's Project
Not For Sale



Powerful Takeaways

Mayer's Mantra: "Donât cheat, lie or steal."
Corporate karma - If you believe that karma exists with people, then since organizations are run by people, corporate karma exists.

Sponsors include:

Hello Fresh

To connect with Mayer and Prime Five Homes Project:

Prime Five Homes
