Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

Positive Impact PodcastPositive Impact Podcast

3.5- Stories From The Field- Impact Of The Peace Corps With Debra Bonkoski

October 30, 2015

Wednesdayâs episode showcased Anna Lenhart from NGS Movement on her vision in incorporate a year of service into the traditional career path. Today we sit down with Debra Bonkoski to see how her Peace Corps Service sent her on a new career path, and how that is a more fulfilling path.


When she entered the Peace Corps, she was planning on pursuing an embassy position. This was following her undergraduate degree from Boise State University. Today, she is fulfilled in a different role. After serving in Ghana, her path took her to Math for America in Salt Lake City Utah. Hear her story to see the power of national service in our career paths.


