FarmerFloristU Profit-First Flower Business

FarmerFloristU Profit-First Flower Business

FarmerFloristU - Podcast #63 : The Cheeseburger Example

April 16, 2021

FarmerFloristU - Podcast #63 : The Cheeseburger Example

Growing up around business men, taught me things at such a young age, that many of my school-age friends had no idea anything about. I realized when I got older, that while I thought I was being used for free labor (and I was) that the real payment to me wasn't in money, it was knowledge that you can't put a price on. Listen in to this weeks episode where I talk about my dad, and how his love for BBQ caused me to understand the cost of food, the cost of a cheeseburger and how it all ultimately came back to me within every business adventure I've been a part of since I was 15.
