Poppy's Prep School

Poppy's Prep School

PPS 6: Summer Classes

June 04, 2018

Hello again!

We are well on our way into Summer, I hope you're staying cool out there (WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN, seriously!) and having a lot of fun!

I know most colleges right now are ramping up to their summer classes, and It's something I get a lot of questions about. So today, I wanted to go over a couple of things you should know before you decide to register for that Summer class.

This is a short(er) episode, but it is definitely worth a listen if you're considering a Summer class anytime soon!

PS: I'm not just saying this stuff, I'm actually taking a Summer class on Web Development and Coding, so this is all information that I use every day and still use while I'm taking my own Summer class!

PPS: Make sure to check out my Instagram (www.instagram.com/poppysprepschool) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/poppysprepschool) for pictures, inspiration and just seeing me being my most goofy and authentic self! See you there!

