Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 237: Dinosaurs and People

December 14, 2015

We’re back! It’s been a whirlwind week, as Parker recounts his birthday celebrations and Cumulus gives some spoiler-free movie capsule reviews. Parker describes his trip to Disneyland that culminated into some of the shortest lines ever as well as some of the coldest/wettest rides ever (as suggested by Sean of Junk Food Dinner), and Cumulus ponders the fallout of the Halloween Industrial Complex. Then they both become heated about media portrayals of humans living alongside dinosaurs and, hoo boy, do they ever hit a slew of tangents from that point, ranging from Don Bluth cartoons/video games to John Hughes movies. They also discuss waking up while laughing, crying, or screaming and what any of those stem from (spoiler: it’s dreams), and listener Danny relays another voicemail for PPR that somehow got lost in the shuffle (spoiler: it’s awesome). Donloyd Here if you had a messed up night out with Mr. Claus. Email at poolpartyradio @ gmail.com, Like on FB, Check out PodcastTown on FB, and for the love of all that's holy, check out Creed while it's still in theaters.
