Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 229: Afraid of the Dark? 3.1

October 06, 2015

Grab a bag of sand, put a potato sack on your head, and join us in the middle of the woods as we rejoin with the Midnight Society and Season 3 of the Nickelodeon classic, Are You Afraid of the Dark? In order to make the most of the episodes and the spooky month of October, we'll be reviewing about 3 or 4 episodes a week, and sometimes with special guests! No guests this week, though, because we forgot that Max Friendo is dead, and if Ghost Hunters has taught us anything, you can't record the voice of a ghost. Episode One, The Tale of the Midnight Ride, features wacky goof-'em-ups in Sleepy Hollow, as well as real-ass goof-'em-ups. Episode Two, The Tale of Apartment 214, teaches us why we should be friends with people are own ages and not octagenarians. And finally, Episode Three, The Tale of Watcher's Woods, reveals the creepiest looking creation of the Are You Afraid… series yet for all of two whole minutes, whereas the rest of the story is about the most oblivious young hikers of the past century. Parker complains about butt rock bands (or butt-rock bands) and Cumulus struggles against their latest producer who has a questionable nickname. Emails are read, a new [Pumpkin] Spice Channel segment is revealed, a dog gets reviewed, and tears are shed. In short, this episode is pumpkininny. Donloyd Here if you can walk, poop, and pop boners all at the same time. Do you have opinions you want us to read or a rad-as-hell dog you want us to review? Email us at poolpartyradio @ gmail.com! Also, the additional prints of the fly-as-hell Ghoul Summer shirts are running out, so pick up yours today at HTBkicksass.com!
