Pool Party Radio

Pool Party Radio

Ep. 227: You Didn't Know That?

September 21, 2015

It's a jam-packed show these week! We're joined by PJ Ahlers of the I'm Dying Here podcast. PJ also used to do the Planned Brotherhood podcast in the old days, which was one of the main influences of Pool Party. In honor of his old podcast that he did with his brother, we do a Good/The Bad/the Ugly with siblings from TV and Movies. How do Pete and Pete rank up? What siblings ruined a great sci fi show and how will Parker shoe-horn in another Bret Easton Ellis conversation? After that and a quick round of Wack Chat, We do an MVPP and MVPP, recounting the week's cool guys and lame dudes. Spoiler alert: All the turtles became extinct. Then PJ tells us about his new (amazing) podcast, I'm Dying Here, about his diagnosis of terminal cancer, how he's been living with it, how "Tourists" have been ruining his days and his decision to make a podcast about. Go listen to it. Download Here if you embarrassed yourself by being in Boondock Saints. Join Podcast Town on Facebook and be our friends. And like I'm Dying Here there, too.
