

Polyhedron Ep. 100 - "How Many Episodes?"

December 12, 2019

Well, we’ve made it. One hundred episodes and still going strong. In this episode, we reflect a little on how we got here, where we might be going, and thank everyone who has supported this show over the years. It really does mean a lot to us.Though, this would not be Polyhedron if we didn’t do something interesting for our 100th episode. So we give you our “12-Takes-of-Christmas”, wherein dive into our more hard-line stances concerning the weird and wonderful world of roleplaying.Exalted Essence! [http://theonyxpath.com/onyx-path-publishing-announces-new-exalted-essence-corebook/]Werewolf 5th Edition [https://www.huntersentertainment.com/single-post/werewolf-the-apocalypse]D&D Presents [https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/events/dd-presents]Email: mailto:Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.comTwitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous), @Polyhedroncast,Patreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedronRSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Polyhedron
