Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

#103: Be the Wind Beneath Your Own Wings! 

June 08, 2017


You've been having a rough time. Breakup, loss of job, health scare, financial troubles. Maybe all of the above.

You can't face this alone but you hate asking for help. You fear how people will react. Will they judge? Gossip? Turn their backs? Say the 'N' word? Or worse yet, all of the above?

But you're exhausted. Emotional. Scattered. Overwhelmed. Probably all of the above!

Wouldn't it be amazing if you had someone who knew exactly how to be there for you in this crisis? Someone who always said the right thing, brought the perfect comfort food, and never left your side? Someone who could help you trouble-shoot and find the best solutions one step at a time?

I'm here to tell you that you already do. And she's been there all along. Guess what, buttercup, you are the one who can best do all of the above. Because you are the wind beneath your own wings!

Now I'm not here to discount the support of others. You need to ask for and allow that into your life. But I want you to think about how you rush to help your friends in times of need. What do you do for them? What are your signature moves, your unique strategies? What sets you apart from everyone else?

And now for the really tough question: Does anyone do exactly those things for you, just the way you long for them to?

Buddha said, "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." But a sad truth is that most of us reserve that adulation for others, shortchanging ourselves especially when we need it the most.

Giving yourself what you need in times of stress and crisis is not a weakness or a luxury, it's a bare necessity, an essential gift that a truly strong woman gives to herself. Let me give you 3 supercharged tips to do just that. And allow me to give you the tools you need to take extraordinary care of the most amazing woman you know - YOU.
