Pleiadian Network Channelings

Pleiadian Network Channelings

Things are Changing: Darkness is Giving Way to Light

December 21, 2013

Good afternoon, we are here. It is December 21, 2013, we are on the East coast, it’s around 12 o’clock, the time of the Winter Solstice, where darkness begins to give way to light.

And that is the theme that we want to bring to the end of this cycle, “Darkness is giving way to light.â€

And we want you to see that in every aspect. We want you to begin to notice where darkness is giving way to light, whether it is the law will you will you revelations coming out of your NSA, or whether it is stories you will hear about groupings and people that will begin to show you some of their darker sides – giving way to light. The Light will come in and begin to expose the Dark and push it back. And that is important to keep in mind, “That Light is here to push back the darkness.â€

And so we want that to be the theme for 2014, “Pulling back the curtain, pushing back the darkness.â€

And we believe that as the year unfolds, particularly after the Chinese New Year changes, that you will begin to see that things are changing. Things are beginning to manifest, break your way, move in the direction that anchors more Light, anchors more abundance, anchors more knowing into the existence that is earth.

And so we thank you for being part of that, for doing your part in that and for being excited about that because really it is your passion and your excitement that is the lightning rod of this energy.

And so it is very important going forward that you feel it in your bones that things are beginning to break your way, things are beginning to break in the direction of abundant significant living for everyone.

With that we will depart, it has been our pleasure, good day to all of you.
