Pynchon in Public Podcast

Pynchon in Public Podcast

Fifty-Six: Believe It or Not, Pool Movies

August 11, 2017

04.29: Gravity’s Rainbow
In which we continue our discussion of Gravity’s Rainbow with a look at the final two episodes of Book Three.

Alan mentions “Esther Williams set pieces.” Here’s a pretty good example from The Million Dollar Mermaid (1952).
Bo mentions a similar scene from Mel Brooks’s History of the World, Part 1 (1981). You can find it here. Fast forward to about the four-minute mark to get the swim section of the song.
Here’s an interesting bit on Wikipedia about the ace of spades as used in WWII. And here’s a little write-up about why the ace of spades is called the death card.
Bo mentions Puzti Hanfstaengl as an unlikely origin for the name of the bar in episode 31. You can here about him here.
