Pickerington Church of Christ

Pickerington Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

The Temple of God
September 16, 2018

Feelings of Uselessness
September 16, 2018

The body of Christ is made up of many members, but it is just one body. For the body to be healthy and strong every member must do their part. One thing that harms the local body is when members feel useless to the cause. Overcoming this false belief is

The Marvelous Body of Christ
September 02, 2018

Walk in Good Works
August 26, 2018

Saved to Serve
August 19, 2018

The Mind & Mission of God
August 05, 2018

The transparency of God can be overwhelming. He holds nothing back in telling us the clear truth. Isaiah 65 is a revelation of the mind and mission of God. What He thinks about sin, sinners, and what He plans to do about it.

The Discipline of God
July 29, 2018

God is always seeking to guide us, shape up, and make us in to the people He wants us to be. Sometimes He uses blessings, and sometimes it takes challenges. He is always calling us to follow Him and He’ll never leave us, even in our most difficult

Being Fit for the Kingdom
July 22, 2018

Christians are called to live distinct lives. To be a light to the world and a city on a hill. We all must check to see how our lives are being lived and ask ourselves: “are we fit for the kingdom of God?”

A New Way of Life
July 15, 2018

Sacrifice, grace, open invitation are all the foundation of Christianity. But what happens after that? What does God call us to be after we believe and obey His perfect plan for our salvation? His grace paves the way for us to live a whole new life.
