Pickerington Church of Christ

Pickerington Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

ONE: Baptism
April 28, 2019

The practice of baptism is a beautiful portrait of salvation. Putting on full display the work of Jesus Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. At the same time it is the moment when a person unites themselves to Christ’s saving work, having

ONE: Faith
April 21, 2019

Faith has become an intensely private matter, yet Scripture speaks to faith being bigger than the individual. There is one faith, shared by many. This can strengthen us, unite us, and motivate us to journey towards our eternal home.

ONE: Lord
April 14, 2019

The Lordship of Jesus is a universal reality. It is first difficult for us to come to terms with, but once we submit, His lordship becomes delightful.

ONE: Hope
April 07, 2019

ONE: Spirit
March 31, 2019

The unity of the church is built upon the reality that all believers now share one Spirit. The Spirit of God at work in His people leads us to truth, in sanctification, and ultimately to receive the love of Christ. We are sure that we, as God’s chi

ONE: Body
March 24, 2019

There is an eternal truth regarding the body of Jesus Christ, the church – There is only one. The failing of mankind to obey this truth doesn’t diminish its reality. We are called to be one body, under one head. This takes clarity on the doct

Dealing with Doubt
March 17, 2019

ONE: Responsibility
March 17, 2019

Christian unity is first a gift we receive from our Father and then it is a goal we seek to attain. This demands we understand both our responsibility to God and to each other in pursuit of Christ honoring unity.

ONE: Hope
March 03, 2019

In the final moments of Jesus life He prays to His Father for his deepest hope – that all of His disciples would be one. Christian unity is deep and difficult, but Jesus has made a way for us. See the purpose and glory of unity from Christ alone.
