Phoenix Foundation - A MacGyver Podcast

Phoenix Foundation - A MacGyver Podcast

S6:E8 – “MacGyver’s Women”

August 23, 2016

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: November 12th, 1990 ---
MacGyver heads back to the wild west to face his fear of commitment head on.
MISSION: MacGyver has a brief disagreement with girlfriend Maria and is suddenly confronted by the many women in his life. In a day dream of the wild west, MacGyver must rescue the same women from a gang of outlaws.
This week's highlights include:

The two greatest banjo solos played simultaneously!

Here is a 3d representation of a magnetic field.

Snake oil (Schemery)

Snake oil, originally a fraudulent liniment without snake extract, has come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit. By extension, a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is themselves a fraud, quack, or charlatan.

Check out the article on wikipedia:

Watch S6E8: "MacGyver's Women" on CBS's website or check the alternative streamability of this episode here.
