Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from December 8, 2013

December 08, 2013

Animal Wise Radio celebrates with two terrific guests today. Kathy Stevens, Founder and Directory of Catskill Animal Sanctuary will join us to talk about her new book; Animal Camp, Reflections on a Decade of Love, Hope and Veganism at Catskill Animal Sanctuary. A talented writer, Kathy weaves the heart of the sanctuary's mission and role through stories best illustrated by CAS animal-teachers, be they roosters, pigs, goats or steers. (

We are pleased to welcome back tenacious Austin animal advocate, Ryan Clinton - one who lived the story of Austin's no-kill early efforts all the way through to reaching community wide 90 percent live release rates from Austin shelters. His active role with Fix Austin was pivotal then and laid an essential foundation for ongoing success even today.

How'd they do it? Get the real story right from his mouth.
