Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013

Animal Wise Radio's Mike and Beth meet on-air today with some exceptional change makers and will be continuing our conversation about differing approaches to social change. Is it possible to go too far in trying to "be nice" and "build bridges?

We are pleased to introduce lawyer, Juliet Piccone, of Aurora Colorado, who finds herself in a local conversation about how to invoke change for animals in her community. At the center of the story is a dog named Stallone, and some other pit-type dogs seemingly captive, and hopelessly so, at Animal Control. Is it wrong to use the courts to push for change? Is it bridge burning? More info at

We will also hear from Matt Damon on the problem with Civil OBEDIENCE.

Michael Mountain of gives voice to our convoluted perspectives of animals captive in labs and fur farms, and what terrorism looks like in different countries.

We're also pleased to speak with Dr. Pitcairn, DVM. His career and list of professional and academic credits is long, but he and other vets have taken a professional road less traveled. Hear why and how the work at Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy represents old and new medicine at the same time.
