Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013

Animal Wise Radio's team welcomes two special guests back for today's live show.

The No-Kill Advocacy Center's Nathan Winograd joins us to consider the no-kill movement's progress, and what social dynamics may show up as communities strive to achieve no-kill numbers. Is it most important to be nice? How does cooperation play into successful no-kill communities? You may be surprised at the conversation -

We'll also be joined by eminent bioethicist, author, and Veterinarian, Dr. Michael Fox. Last year, we talked with him about wolf populations in the U.S. and plans to de-list wolves from endangered species status. We'll take the conversation further today, considering how this predator's classification and change affects the whole.

And listen to hear how Michael Mountain, of Earth in Transition, gets musical with retired forest elephants
