Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from November 3, 2013

November 03, 2013

Animal Wise Radio's MIke and Beth are pleased to meet on air with two dynamic and passionate advocates.

Courtney Vail joins us for the first time, representing WDC - Whale and Dolphin Conservation ( She is the Campaign & Program Manager focusing on keeping Beluga Whales out of captivity and in the wild.

The Georgia Aquarium was recently denied their permit to import wild caught Belugas, and is fighting the court's decision claiming it is essential for their important work - but is it? Do marine parks and aquaria really do their best work by keeping large mammals in small tanks?

We're pleased to once again welcome Dr. Jennifer Conrad, DVM, founder of The Paw Project, a non-profit formed out of her own experience treating cats, large and small, suffering from declaw surgery. The challenge she poses to the veterinary community and cat lovers is to abolish the practice of declawing due to its crippling physical and behavioral effects. Hear more about her work, and the ongoing buzz around the recently released film, also named "The Paw Project," How is the film changing the national dialogue about this unnecessary mutilation, and how is the veterinary community responding?
