Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from October 20, 2013

October 20, 2013

Animal Wise Radio meets up with some favorites today. Unny Nambudiripad is still working toward a more compassionate world for all with the organization, Compassionate Action for Animals. Their celebration of all things vegan, and the conference, "Their Lives, Their Voices" is nearing. Hear how their mission began, how you can be part of the compassionate march forward, and where this organization is going.

Our favorite feral feline fan and advocate Peter Wolf, blogger at and now "Cat Initiatives Analyst" at Best Friends will, among other things, review recent news about the release of Environment Canada's bird study regarding the source of bird deaths. Is this the same retread we've seen before, or is any new information coming to light?

Michael Mountain of Earth in Transition takes us into the realm of mystery and fantasy with thoughts about the Yeti, Nessie and Bigfoot.
