Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013

Animal Wise Radio is proud to bring grassroots activists to listeners today!

Land Stewardship Project's Brian Devore highlights Frac Sand mining watchdog efforts in MN, how "Women Caring for the Land" is changing conversations around land use, and how farmers who steward the soil using organic methods compare with chemical weed and feeders. Check out

We'll talk with Dr. Gaskin, a practicing veterinarian and activist involved in research and outreach related to feline declawing. The Paw Project movie ( is newly released and showing across the country. Is there a painful hidden truth behind this supposedly harmless procedure?

Michael Mountain writes about exercise machines for Orcas in captivity as Sea World tries to assuage critics and the public as the film Blackfish keeps making waves.
