Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from September 15, 2013

September 15, 2013

Today's Animal Wise Radio there is big no kill news coming out of California, that will likely have a large impact on shelters all over the USA.

We will also celebrate people who march to a different beat! Artist Kimberly Kelly Santini shares her passion for painting and animals through her "Paintings with Soul." Her project has grown from a neat idea to a 7 year project with over 1500 portraits full of soul, with proceeds benefitting animal welfare efforts. Her blog and work is posted at

Our guest Matt Ellerbeck has always had a heart for critters many overlook or think as less important. He is focusing his energies on saving the salamanders - Why do salamanders matter to people, and what do they tell us about ourselves? Matt will guide us through the conversation. And Michael Mountain of Earth in Transition shares the story of climate change through the composer's voice, providing a new way of understanding our warming world.

Animal Wise Radio is LIVE today at Noon Central, 1 PM Eastern, 11 AM Mountain and 10 AM Pacific Times.
