Perfect Movie

Perfect Movie

Is The Sixth Sense a Perfect Movie?

October 02, 2020

I see dead…oh, you know the rest. The guys dig into the blockbuster that made a young Indian director into The Next Spielberg, and broke the box office along the way: The Sixth Sense. When is a twist a twist? When does a movie known for its twist transcend into something more? What movies make the Gomers cry? And where did Bruce Willis get such an excellent head?

So what do you think? Is The Sixth Sense a Perfect Movie? Click “Vote” at the top of, follow us on Instagram (@twogomers), or like us on Facebook ( to weigh in!

We’ll reveal the results next week on our deep-dive Result Episode on The Bonus Disc ( and the following week after on our next movie episode. Happy voting, and happy viewing!
