Perfectly Wasted

Perfectly Wasted

Perfectly Wasted Podcast Episode 39: Live Action USA!

June 07, 2017

This Episode:
With all the Live Action adaptations coming to the USA I wanted to talk about it a little. Listen to me Perfectly Wasted talk about some of the good and bad live action adaptations I have seen.

Basic Show Description:
DullOxide chatting(usually while a little tipsy) about random subjects(Mostly Nerdy Stuff) for about 10 minutes each show! Rambling on subjects from Cosplay to Technology and giving you 10 minutes Perfectly Wasted!

Segment 1 - Live Action USA!
@0:20 - Little recap on culture washing episode.
@0:51 - Live Actions releases in USA.
@1:13 - Dragonball Evolution...
@1:46 - How bad was it?
@2:45 - Couldn't pay me to watch it again.
@3:00 - Example of failed movie and a successful one.
@4:40 - DBZ characters look kinda American?
@5:25 - Difference between these two?
@5:58 - Some other live action titles.
@6:30 - Battle Angel Alita Live Action.
@7:24 - In consideration Live Action.
@8:25 - Why this subject?
##Note: I was under the impression Cowboy Bebop was going to be a film so I apologize if I confused anyone here.##
@8:42 - Cowboy Bebop Live Action!(TV Series)
@9:24 - The could completely ruin the series.

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