Perfectly Wasted

Perfectly Wasted

Perfectly Wasted Podcast Episode 36: Overwatch Season 5

June 02, 2017

This Episode:
Overwatch Comp. Season 5 STARTED! While Perfectly Wasted I explain why I think the current ranking system is messed up. Let me know if you agree and if you have a better method.

Basic Show Description:
DullOxide chatting(usually while a little tipsy) about random subjects(Mostly Nerdy Stuff) for about 10 minutes each show! Rambling on subjects from Cosplay to Technology and giving you 10 minutes Perfectly Wasted!

Segment 1 - Overwatch Season 5.
@0:20 - New season started.
@0:35 - Still felt the ranking is off...
@1:10 - What I found.
@1:51 - Over/Under in hell.
@2:20 - Tons of videos to improve SR.
@3:18 - What matters in SR?
@3:42 - Duo queue exception.
@4:21 - Blizzard found a way to fuck Solo Queue.
@4:55 - Watch all the videos!(It might not help)
@5:34 - What I feel the truth is.
@5:10 - WTH Possessed them to choose Phoenix?
@5:48 - Might have something to do with?
@6:01 - With this many complaints what is the problem?
@6:47 - Everyone starts at the same place.
@7:21 - Blizzards response(in my words)
@8:09 - Can't carry an entire team yourself..unless...
@8:38 - Overall take away.
@8:51 - Basic concept maybe to work off of. (Isn't perfect obviously)
@10:03 - If everyone starts at 0.

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