Perfectly, Wonderfully Made

Perfectly, Wonderfully Made

40: Heroes Are Made in Times of Battle

October 17, 2021

So ready for the BIG NEWS! I’M PREGNANT. Yep… CRAZY! We will just start with the big exciting news right out the gate. I found out I was pregnant about 10 days after leaving WA in our 5th wheel. God is funny :)

Friend, can I encourage you to gather your people. Your community. The people who are going to show up for you, bring you food when you need it, take your kids, walk your dog, and see you through the storms of life. The people you’re going to sit next to at the table for hours after dinner and laugh with. Don’t waste your time on fringe relationships right now. You don’t have time for that. God has too much He wants to do in you.

Do you ever sit back and think:

God choose ME…

MEEEE to live at such a time as this. He knew what would happen in our culture and He said, “I choose you.

“I choose you to raise a generation that will stand for Jesus and bring back a revival that will usher in the glory of God. I knew everything that would fall and I decided that I wanted YOU in the fight. In the battle for freedom and truth. I choose you for such a time as this.”

Does that ever just humble you and bring you to your knees?


I don’t know that I’m worthy, but Jesus send me. Use me. I want my life to be a life of service to your Kingdom. I’m praying for you! Be encouraged, you’re not alone!

You are loved my friend.

Until next time!


