The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

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#126 - Daily MG - Pound The Stone by Joshua Medcalf - 4 of 6
May 20, 2021

"When you catch yourself not living in the present moment, take three deep breaths, and then feel your feet on the ground. Start to direct your focus inward and feel what your body is feeling. You start with feeling your feet on the ground and listening .

#125 - Daily MG - Pound The Stone by Joshua Medcalf - 3 of 6
May 19, 2021

"Everyone comes to a point in their life and they have to decide in that moment who they are going to be. Who they are going to become. You can’t allow anyone else to decide that for you." "If you can change, it means that they can too, if they only had .

#124 - Daily MG - Pound The Stone by Joshua Medcalf - 2 of 6
May 18, 2021

"You have greatness inside of you, but you have to choose between it and excuses. You can’t have both. The greatness inside of you is buried underneath all your excuses and rationalizations." Joshua Medcalf is a business and life consultant and owner of .

#123 - Daily MG - Pound The Stone by Joshua Medcalf - 1 of 6
May 17, 2021

"The funny thing about blame is that while it might temporarily make us feel better, it does absolutely nothing to create a better tomorrow. Anyone can blame, but very few have the courage to take responsibility." Joshua Medcalf is a business and life co.

#122 - Daily MG - It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad - 6 of 6
May 15, 2021

"It’s what you do, not how you feel, that gets things done. We can do our way into feeling the way we need to. It’s hard to feel our way into achieving a damn thing. We all want things, and there’s value to that; want is a precursor to motivation. But wa.

#121 - Daily MG - It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad - 5 of 6
May 14, 2021

"It is clear to me that if you don’t have the physiology and skill set to achieve something, no amount of will can overcome that." Trevor is a mental conditioning coach to elite performers.

#120 - Daily MG - It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad - 4 of 6
May 13, 2021

The law of substitution. At any given moment our minds can sustain only one thought at a time. One. My mind doesn’t block things out. It simply goes to whatever thought I ask it to go to. My inner voice is loudest. If I don’t use it strategically, howeve.

#119 - Daily MG - It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad - 3 of 6
May 12, 2021

"After all, winners win only when they behave like people who win." Trevor is a mental conditioning coach to elite performers.

#117 - Daily MG - It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad - 1 of 6
May 10, 2021

"Some learn in advance of adversity. A lot of us learn through it." Trevor is a mental conditioning coach to elite performers.

#116 - Daily MG - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni - 6 of 6
May 08, 2021

"Dysfunction #5: Results An unrelenting focus on specific objectives and clearly defined outcomes is a requirement for any team that judges itself on performance.... As obvious as this dysfunction might seem at first glance, and as clear as it is that it.
