The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#226 - Daily MG - Leading by Alex Ferguson - 2 of 6
September 14, 2021

"Watching others, listening to their advice and reading about people are three of the best things I ever did." - Alex Ferguson (winningest British manager in history)

#225 - Daily MG - Leading by Alex Ferguson - 1 of 6
September 13, 2021

"If you are leading people, it helps to have a sense of you they are - the circumstances in which they were raised, the actions that will draw out the best in them, and the remarks that will cause the

#224 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 6 of 6
September 11, 2021

"Love does not keep a record of wrongs." - Leo Buscaglia

#223 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 5 of 6
September 10, 2021

"It's Don Juan, who says, "Each path is only one of a million paths. Therefore, you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path. If you feel that you must now follow it, you need not stay with

#222 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 4 of 6
September 09, 2021

"I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate - it's apathy. It's not giving a damn. If somebody hates me, they must "feel" something about me or they couldn't possibly hate. The

#221 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 3 of 6
September 08, 2021

"The hardest thing to be is what other people want you to be, but that's the scene we are living in. Are you really you or are you what people have told you you are? And are you interested in really k

#220 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 2 of 6
September 07, 2021

"Labels are distancing phenomena - stop using them!" - Leo Buscaglia

#219 - Daily MG - Love by Leo Buscaglia - 1 of 6
September 06, 2021

"Everything is filtered through me, and so the greater I am, the more I have to give. The greater knowledge I have, the more I'm going to have to give. The greater understanding I have, the greater is

#218 - Daily MG - This Is Your Brain On Sports - 6 of 6
September 04, 2021

Our Win The Week email comes out tomorrow. All fear, frustration, inconsistency, stress, discouragement, anxiety, and anger come from out-of-control thinking. Out-of-control thinking leads to out-of-c

#217 - Daily MG - This Is Your Brain On Sports - 5 of 6
September 03, 2021

Thanks for listening. DM me on instagram - username @pazikperformancegroup. Let me know your thoughts on this episode! "When we encounter an emotionally turbulent event such as a death in the family,
